by Sean McGarry
Alsher, P. (2016). Reinforcement is the Golden Key to Implementation Success. Implementation Management Associates.
“Golden” is a poem about a teenager’s epiphany that their past and future should have no effect on the success they persevere to attain in the present. The golden key, a symbol of hope and dedication, will unlock the doors to greatness.
i’ve forgone the concept
of evolving into someone
i’ve never met.
it is implied that
“growth builds a person,”
but how shall i find the blocks?
lines scale the dull wall,
their weight on my mind
falling indifferently.
this advent stage of life
heaves me forward as the past,
falling beneath my fingertips,
waves incessantly.
every step taken,
every new direction;
spontaneous in sight.
i’ve heard of this key,
this priceless slab of gold.
a metaphoric messenger
to help map the way.
my childish attributes,
complex with imagination.
the mentality of a sea pirate
seeking the abominable loot.
a lengthy game ahead,
losing at some;
winning back the
confidence to prosper.
the light of day shimmers.
its heat brings warmth.
a feeling that everything
will turn out just right.
locked in a room of thought,
open to a world of potential.
the way home is near.