Dear BTHS,
The official school newspaper has been defunct for a long while. It has suffered from structural issues and poor organization, leaving behind a vacuum in a STEM school, where the needs of liberal arts have been left unsatisfied. However, it has returned and is ready to better our community.
Now, we hope to bridge the sciences and liberal arts with journalism. Using The Helix, our mistreated but revived school newspaper, we want to build a community of students and faculty. Here, everyone can share their opinions, talents, and interests. All are welcome; that is a guiding principle of The Helix.
From the editors, we want, from the bottom of our hearts, for everyone to enjoy and cherish The Helix. Our goal is to achieve 100% readership, where everyone reads the school newspaper. You are critical to this goal, and we hope you can help out, either as a writer or a reader.
Aleicia and Annie
Editors of The Helix