SOS: Random Acts of Kindness Week

 by Khushi Faldu

    With a meeting dedicated to kindness, it begins with a typical video showing how kindness is contagious. Just doing a kind deed for someone else really matters., because they will pass it to someone else. So, you can make a difference to so many people!

    The organization—the Random Acts of Kindness Organization—hosts an annual celebration that unites millions of people around the world through kindness. An act of kindness can be anything, and it can decrease stress, boost happiness, lower blood pressure, release feel-good chemicals, and inspire more kindness.

Theme Days

  • Tuesday- Greet as many people as you can!

  • Wednesday- Pass on Kindness

  • Thursday- Treat Yourself

  • Friday- Show your appreciation for the Biotech staff

Theme Days

  • Secret Admirer- Compliment some of your peers/teachers to spread love around the school!

  • Staff appreciation video- send a video about 5- 10 seconds to show your appreciation to staff and teachers. You can get 30 minutes of service hours for it!

  • RAK Challenge- Check out on the SOS google classroom. You can get 5 hours for it!

  • Spotify Challenge- Send a song playlist to Asmitha by Friday! You can get 2 hours for it!

  • Mandala Activities- Spend some time on yourself and treat yourself by coloring and relaxing!