by Anushka Chakrabarti
Promised Neverland
Where is Neverland
Why did we leave it
Was the prospect of glory tantalizing
Or was that what we were led to believe?
I often have to stop and think
Is the future truly blurry and unknown
Or do I need to clean my glasses?
Hello, My name is
Names have meaning
I have been told that much
But names have more meaning
When heard from the people who need to say them
The Road I took
Maybe one day I will look back and wonder
If things would have been different had I stepped on another path
Will I wonder then as I do now
All the "what if's" that haunt me?
I cannot remember my dreams
Occasionally the feelings left behind
Or maybe a memorable event
I only remember the gasps for breath as I am awoken
Wondering if the monster that chased me
Is the same one I have in my head.