by Kaitlyn Chow
Food is what makes me happy. Food is what gives us fuel to survive. And not to mention, food includes happy, sad, sentimental, and joyful memories. Because of my love for food, I have started taking photographic and aesthetic photos of foods (known as food photography) I make and posting them on my Instagram account @_thefoodaddict._. All photos were taken on my cell phone (Samsung Galaxy S9). This photographic collection includes my favorite photos, along with the memories associated with each one.
August 20, 2020: This was the day I started my Instagram food account. I spent hours in the kitchen baking around three different things at once, one of them being these chocolate chip cookies. I honestly don’t remember how the cookies tasted, as I only remember having a headache from the intense and overwhelmingly sweet aroma filling the kitchen.
September 1, 2020: It was the first day of September. Although it technically was not autumn yet, I just had to make my pumpkin baked goods. Thus, despite the fact that I knew I was going to have a hectic day, I woke up early in the morning to prepare an entire pan of pumpkin cake with a delicious streusel topping.
October 15, 2020: I suddenly had a big craving for some apple pie (probably because it was fall), so I researched for hours on end for the best pie crust recipes, apple pie recipes, and the best apples for baking, among many other facts. I spent around four hours in the kitchen that hectic day, from starting the pie crust at around eight o’clock in the morning to actually assembling the pie and the lattice pattern in the afternoon. Ultimately, the apple pie was so good that I could’ve eaten about half of it in one sitting.
October 15, 2020: After enjoying a nice slice of apple pie that afternoon, I went on to prepare some Korean black bean noodles at dinnertime for my family. The cooking process was hectic and messy, with cornstarch all over the countertop, cut-up vegetables everywhere, and several pots of water boiling like crazy. However, in the end, everything was fine, and my family really enjoyed the meal.
October 31, 2020: It was Halloween, as well as the first day of my newly found organization’s first service project (Next Door Kitchen). To commence my initiative, I created a healthier version of Rice Krispies Treats along with some melted chocolate and candy eyes, which altogether created some monster rice krispie treats! As I accidentally licked one of the spoons that I was using, I eventually had to start all over and create a second batch, which was very unfortunate. But at least I got to eat some, too!
November 6, 2020: I was not planning on taking a picture of my basic avocado toast that morning, but because of how aesthetically pleasing it looked, I spontaneously took a picture of it. Surprisingly, it came out pretty well. Therefore, there really is not much meaning to this meal, as I was just half-asleep and looking for some food.
November 7, 2020: These bagels were created early in the morning for my Next Door Kitchen service. It was “breakfast day,” so volunteers and I prepared a lot of breakfast foods, including these cinnamon raisin bagels. They smelled so good but too bad I wasn’t allowed to eat them.
November 15, 2020: Like my pumpkin obsession phase, pancake obsession phase, and avocado toast phase, among many other phases, I once had an oatmeal obsession phase. While creating recipes for a nutrition website, I literally ate oatmeal all three meals for around a week. I made pumpkin oats, peanut butter chocolate oats, mocha chocolate oats, banana coconut oats, and apple pie oats, which is the one shown in the picture above. This is probably one of my favorite oatmeal recipes that I created.